Sunday 3 April 2011


Here is a post off kijiji that someone was kind enough to allow me to post on here...This is the horrifying stuff we in saskatoon get to see all the time and it'd all due to the rental prices!!!!
I witnessed this out my living room window this morning!!
Some kindhearted person has allowed a homeless man a safer place to pitch his home in the midst of the snow!!!
THIS PROVINCE AND CITY OF SASKATOON SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES.......MINUS 12 TONIGHT......shame shame shame on those that have no compassion to advocate for the housing cost crisis in Saskatoon! I will be posting on youtube... refered to as SASKATOONS HOMELESS because some arrogant person will have this deleted from kijiji!!

come one come all time to rally together people!!!!

Alright well for anyone and everyone who comes across this blog myself along with others are doing everything in our power now to try and get the rental prices in saskatoon lowered and to have rent control. If you have a story a question or a concern about the price of renting in saskatoon please either write it under the comments or you can email it to me at all of the stories questions comments and concerns will be going higher up where they need to go. I would love to see the numbers fly through the roof hundreds maybe even thousands. If we can do that maybe we can make a difference and if we aren't willing to do it for ourselves no one else will do it for us. so come on lets have them.


It has come to my attention that in just the last 24 hours there have been 3+ posts on kijiji about how sick and tired people are of the rent prices....well as the title says i agree obviously considering that is what this whole blog is about lol. Anyway some one posted that we need to open our mouths and raise these concerns to the politicians when they come knocking at our doors and calling us looking for our vote. I thought about that for a minute and they are right somewhere some one has to do something about this and really if they want to be elected in OUR city then we should be able to have some input into what happens and I realize most people go for bad roads and budget but i think this person is right we should start complaining about it.  Obviously the landlords don't want to listen to our posts on kijiji because for as long as we have been complaining nothing has changed. Even though i love kijiji they keep kicking my ad's off every time i post one complaining they tell me it is an OPINION post and that is not allowed, which is why I started this so that anyone and everyone can see it and read it and i know it won't get the boot. I also noticed another post stating the same thing i have said over and over, that we could live ANY WHERE else in canada or even the states for that matter and the same price for a gorgeous FULL house as what we pay here for a main floor that is barely livable at best. I myself have also been looking for a different place now for almost 8 months now due to having another baby 3 1/2 months ago. The chance of finding a full house in this city is slim to none to begin with and then if it's not some run down old dump that i wouldn't even let my dog live in (which by the way most people are asking $1400 + utilities and up for those places) then it's some EXECUTIVE house?????????????? which then they are asking $3000+ utilities. Who really has that kind of money to throw away every single month and even if you do have that kind of money to throw away WHY???? personally i pay $1200 a month for a crappy 3 bedroom main that has NO and i mean NO storage the rooms are small the windows are old and let in a huge draft, only one furnace ( so we have to control the heat to the liking of the people downstairs) 1 water heater ( which is fun when there is 6 people in a 2 bedroom below you and 5 people in a 3 bedroom upstairs). Really even paying that price for this place i feel like i need to have a HUGE supply of Vaseline here every month when rent is due cuz i am royally getting screwed and it hurts.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

my most recent beef!!!!!!!!!!!

Well my most recent beef I have to discuss is a place i saw for was a 4 bedroom half duplex I'm sure some of you have seen this place for rent, They are asking $1950 + utilities????????????????????????????? ARE YOU MENTAL who has that kind of money to pay out just to have a roof over their head. For some one to pay that price I'm sorry you would be stupid to pay that for rent when if you can afford that just imagine the house you could afford to buy. I realize that not everyone has the money for a down payment for a house but if you have that kind of money rent a cheaper place for a while and save for a down payment cuz at $1950 just for the house rental WOW the place you could own for that kind of money a moth would be insane. Even besides that point what the hell is going through the owners head to try and rent the place for that price, if I'm gonna pay that for rent the floor and counter tops better be made of 24k gold, like what the hell is wrong with that owner. who ever it is needs to seriously give their head a shake.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

angry comment

 First of all i would like to apologize in advance to anyone this may offend.  Just so you know i am currently on maternity leave I just had a baby in december. However when i was working i remember b!tch!ng and complaining all the time that all my hard work was going to help support people on welfare ( don't get me wrong some people are on welfare because of good reasoning and I am by no means directing this towards them. I am after the people on it that are on it just because they don't feel like working).  Well that p!ssed me off when i thought about that , but the more I think about it now i really wonder why it is that more people aren't doing that with these rental prices i mean come one now you get your rent paid right and guess what all those landlords charging and arm and a leg would get to contribute to pay the rent for you in the end of it. i know that sounds bad but really at the rate the prices are going and the rate that the wages are in this city it's gonna end up happening if people don't get a grip on the rental prices.


I received a comment earlier that I would like to reply to, and for anyone who has not yet seen the comment I am going to repost it here:
Granny2171 said...
A few things to remember about renting .... The landlord does not get to keep all that money..... 1. Mortgage 2. Property taxes 3. Income tax 4. Repairs If they get to keep 1/3 in their pocket, they are lucky.... I understand it is frustrating .. But not fair to put all the blame on Landlords... I would like to reply to this comment in a manner that everyone can see. First off my objective in all of this is not to fully blame landlords, because I do realize that mortgages are not dirt cheap I do realize that there is property taxes, however the income taxes we should not have to pay them for that part of it any job I have ever had does not pay me extra to cover my income tax that is taken from me. As for repairs I'm sorry but but that is part of having a property that you rent out that again should not be our expense to en cure. We pay a damage deposit so that if WE damage anything it is taken out of that. We should not be responsible for them having to pay to replace a fridge if it breaks down, that is part of the risk you take in doing the rental property thing. Now back to my point of the mortgage I realize it's not dirt cheap but i have also looked into it a bit myself and I can guarantee that a mortgage is not between $1200-$2500 a month especially not for a house that is from the 1920's and property tax is also not an extra $200-$500 a month to add to the price of renting. My objective with all of this is to make people (landlords more specifically) realize that although they may be in it to make a profit off of it that's fine I don't expect them to do it all for fun, but to be asking   that much more than what their cost is, is ridiculous. With the rental prices in this city one would have to assume that amount of income generated in this city is an insane amount. In albert and toronto it isn't even this expensive to live considering in those places you get a full house for the price we pay here for a main floor, and at least those places have a greater income level than saskatoon does.

Monday 28 March 2011

pricing and conditions

So I'm not totally crusty here when i see something good being done I will give credit where credit is due.  In the past 2 days I have seen about 4 or 5 places for rent that have gone down in price to be reasonable and they are all full places. great congrats the people who have done that. However now that brings me to a whole new topic about the conditions people are placing on renting the houses. I realize most people don't want people smoking in their rental houses i understand that for the most part, but the NO pets thing kind of irks me i could understand if your place if full of carpet not wanting a puppy or a kitten that isn't trained, but I have a 4 year old small dog that is fully house trained doesn't shed, doesn't bark, and would never bite, yet when I enquirer about any of these places they say absolutely no pets.  How about charging a pet fee, and meeting the pet FIRST, there is a reason damage deposit is paid, how about putting in the contract that all carpets or the whole house would have to be professionally clean at the time of move out? I find those options to be a little more reasonable than just a flat out NO.