Tuesday 29 March 2011

angry comment

 First of all i would like to apologize in advance to anyone this may offend.  Just so you know i am currently on maternity leave I just had a baby in december. However when i was working i remember b!tch!ng and complaining all the time that all my hard work was going to help support people on welfare ( don't get me wrong some people are on welfare because of good reasoning and I am by no means directing this towards them. I am after the people on it that are on it just because they don't feel like working).  Well that p!ssed me off when i thought about that , but the more I think about it now i really wonder why it is that more people aren't doing that with these rental prices i mean come one now you get your rent paid right and guess what all those landlords charging and arm and a leg would get to contribute to pay the rent for you in the end of it. i know that sounds bad but really at the rate the prices are going and the rate that the wages are in this city it's gonna end up happening if people don't get a grip on the rental prices.

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