Tuesday 29 March 2011


I received a comment earlier that I would like to reply to, and for anyone who has not yet seen the comment I am going to repost it here:
Granny2171 said...
A few things to remember about renting .... The landlord does not get to keep all that money..... 1. Mortgage 2. Property taxes 3. Income tax 4. Repairs If they get to keep 1/3 in their pocket, they are lucky.... I understand it is frustrating .. But not fair to put all the blame on Landlords... I would like to reply to this comment in a manner that everyone can see. First off my objective in all of this is not to fully blame landlords, because I do realize that mortgages are not dirt cheap I do realize that there is property taxes, however the income taxes we should not have to pay them for that part of it any job I have ever had does not pay me extra to cover my income tax that is taken from me. As for repairs I'm sorry but but that is part of having a property that you rent out that again should not be our expense to en cure. We pay a damage deposit so that if WE damage anything it is taken out of that. We should not be responsible for them having to pay to replace a fridge if it breaks down, that is part of the risk you take in doing the rental property thing. Now back to my point of the mortgage I realize it's not dirt cheap but i have also looked into it a bit myself and I can guarantee that a mortgage is not between $1200-$2500 a month especially not for a house that is from the 1920's and property tax is also not an extra $200-$500 a month to add to the price of renting. My objective with all of this is to make people (landlords more specifically) realize that although they may be in it to make a profit off of it that's fine I don't expect them to do it all for fun, but to be asking   that much more than what their cost is, is ridiculous. With the rental prices in this city one would have to assume that amount of income generated in this city is an insane amount. In albert and toronto it isn't even this expensive to live considering in those places you get a full house for the price we pay here for a main floor, and at least those places have a greater income level than saskatoon does.

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