Wednesday 30 March 2011

my most recent beef!!!!!!!!!!!

Well my most recent beef I have to discuss is a place i saw for was a 4 bedroom half duplex I'm sure some of you have seen this place for rent, They are asking $1950 + utilities????????????????????????????? ARE YOU MENTAL who has that kind of money to pay out just to have a roof over their head. For some one to pay that price I'm sorry you would be stupid to pay that for rent when if you can afford that just imagine the house you could afford to buy. I realize that not everyone has the money for a down payment for a house but if you have that kind of money rent a cheaper place for a while and save for a down payment cuz at $1950 just for the house rental WOW the place you could own for that kind of money a moth would be insane. Even besides that point what the hell is going through the owners head to try and rent the place for that price, if I'm gonna pay that for rent the floor and counter tops better be made of 24k gold, like what the hell is wrong with that owner. who ever it is needs to seriously give their head a shake.

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