Wednesday 30 March 2011

my most recent beef!!!!!!!!!!!

Well my most recent beef I have to discuss is a place i saw for was a 4 bedroom half duplex I'm sure some of you have seen this place for rent, They are asking $1950 + utilities????????????????????????????? ARE YOU MENTAL who has that kind of money to pay out just to have a roof over their head. For some one to pay that price I'm sorry you would be stupid to pay that for rent when if you can afford that just imagine the house you could afford to buy. I realize that not everyone has the money for a down payment for a house but if you have that kind of money rent a cheaper place for a while and save for a down payment cuz at $1950 just for the house rental WOW the place you could own for that kind of money a moth would be insane. Even besides that point what the hell is going through the owners head to try and rent the place for that price, if I'm gonna pay that for rent the floor and counter tops better be made of 24k gold, like what the hell is wrong with that owner. who ever it is needs to seriously give their head a shake.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

angry comment

 First of all i would like to apologize in advance to anyone this may offend.  Just so you know i am currently on maternity leave I just had a baby in december. However when i was working i remember b!tch!ng and complaining all the time that all my hard work was going to help support people on welfare ( don't get me wrong some people are on welfare because of good reasoning and I am by no means directing this towards them. I am after the people on it that are on it just because they don't feel like working).  Well that p!ssed me off when i thought about that , but the more I think about it now i really wonder why it is that more people aren't doing that with these rental prices i mean come one now you get your rent paid right and guess what all those landlords charging and arm and a leg would get to contribute to pay the rent for you in the end of it. i know that sounds bad but really at the rate the prices are going and the rate that the wages are in this city it's gonna end up happening if people don't get a grip on the rental prices.


I received a comment earlier that I would like to reply to, and for anyone who has not yet seen the comment I am going to repost it here:
Granny2171 said...
A few things to remember about renting .... The landlord does not get to keep all that money..... 1. Mortgage 2. Property taxes 3. Income tax 4. Repairs If they get to keep 1/3 in their pocket, they are lucky.... I understand it is frustrating .. But not fair to put all the blame on Landlords... I would like to reply to this comment in a manner that everyone can see. First off my objective in all of this is not to fully blame landlords, because I do realize that mortgages are not dirt cheap I do realize that there is property taxes, however the income taxes we should not have to pay them for that part of it any job I have ever had does not pay me extra to cover my income tax that is taken from me. As for repairs I'm sorry but but that is part of having a property that you rent out that again should not be our expense to en cure. We pay a damage deposit so that if WE damage anything it is taken out of that. We should not be responsible for them having to pay to replace a fridge if it breaks down, that is part of the risk you take in doing the rental property thing. Now back to my point of the mortgage I realize it's not dirt cheap but i have also looked into it a bit myself and I can guarantee that a mortgage is not between $1200-$2500 a month especially not for a house that is from the 1920's and property tax is also not an extra $200-$500 a month to add to the price of renting. My objective with all of this is to make people (landlords more specifically) realize that although they may be in it to make a profit off of it that's fine I don't expect them to do it all for fun, but to be asking   that much more than what their cost is, is ridiculous. With the rental prices in this city one would have to assume that amount of income generated in this city is an insane amount. In albert and toronto it isn't even this expensive to live considering in those places you get a full house for the price we pay here for a main floor, and at least those places have a greater income level than saskatoon does.

Monday 28 March 2011

pricing and conditions

So I'm not totally crusty here when i see something good being done I will give credit where credit is due.  In the past 2 days I have seen about 4 or 5 places for rent that have gone down in price to be reasonable and they are all full places. great congrats the people who have done that. However now that brings me to a whole new topic about the conditions people are placing on renting the houses. I realize most people don't want people smoking in their rental houses i understand that for the most part, but the NO pets thing kind of irks me i could understand if your place if full of carpet not wanting a puppy or a kitten that isn't trained, but I have a 4 year old small dog that is fully house trained doesn't shed, doesn't bark, and would never bite, yet when I enquirer about any of these places they say absolutely no pets.  How about charging a pet fee, and meeting the pet FIRST, there is a reason damage deposit is paid, how about putting in the contract that all carpets or the whole house would have to be professionally clean at the time of move out? I find those options to be a little more reasonable than just a flat out NO.  

Sunday 27 March 2011

renat site

I just recently looked at part of the wonderful site called kijiji I was looking at the house rentals well I realized that there is approx 525 people offering houses for rent and approx 410 people wanting to rent housing.  Does that right there not tell these landlords something?????? Not to mention that most of the want ads are people asking for FULL houses that are REASONABLY priced. Yet not one single landlord on that site seems to get the point that obviously there places are priced too high and people are tired of rent a partial house. This whole thing with renting upper or lower levels is just stupid have these landlords not heard of apartments that's what they are for...those people that are willing to live in the same building with other people. This city is going farther and farther into the dumps as far as I am concerned. When the price of housing goes up by 21% with in 1 year and the wages only go up 3.5% that hardly seems like a fair rent increase. I would really love to have some landlords also comment on all of this and maybe you can give us little hard working people a bit of insight into what possesses you to charge us SO damn much to live in your rental property but only allow us to rent the main floor or basement so that you can go and charge another poor hard working person another arm and a leg to rent the other part of the house.


Well today I received an email I will not disclose a name but it was from some that is just as disgusted with the housing prices as I am, and this person made another very good point that I would like to share. First The jobs are here in saskatoon that you can't find in small town in this province which makes it nice to live in saskatoon, but  what happens when you try to move to saskatoon  and your a single can't rent a house without a job because most landlords want to know where you work which i'm not complaining about that is reasonable for them to want to know how it is that you are going to be able to pay rent. However when you have children that you have to pay child care for, then you first have to find a job plus child care which in this city is not an easy task, most child care providers want a schedule and without the job first you can't provide that. Then how is it that you are supposed to get a house when you have to have all of that set out first. Which like I said I understand wanting to know how you will pay rent but even if you do find someone with some good faith and rent a place to you, now you have to not only pay $1400 a month for a house that you have to share with other people but you also have to pay bills, food, living expenses and child care. I realize that this city has some of the highest paying jobs in the province but guess what not all jobs pay $35-$40 an hour. Really for those people that do make that kind of money most of them own their own house because they can afford to do so, but for all the other people in this city that are making $20 or under an hour its not reasonable to have to pay out more than %50 of their monthly income just to have a roof over their heads. For those people that do have a $40 an hour income and chose to rent there are places called executive house for rent. I realize that all these landlords think that they are only pricing it according to the rental prices in the city but until we can have some honest landlords that are willing to lower the prices to a reasonable affordable price then the prices are just going to keep going up. it only take one landlord to be able to rent out a mediocre place for a ridiculous amount of money and then all the landlords follow because they figure if that person can get that much for that place i should be able to get more for mine. Well when is someone going to finally say enough is enough.  It will take a lot more than 1 landlord to lower the price of renting a house but I personally think it's about time for that to happen the prices have gotten out of control. Also stop splitting the houses into a main floor and a basement suite guaranteed people would be more apt to pay the $1400 and up for a full house I know I would but to have to share the house with other people to me is just ridiculous and takes away from our privacy.   

Saturday 26 March 2011


Okay so in my house we have a 2 person income and really it's not that we don't make half decent money however when you have to pay out your butt for rent and then food and bills and all the costs involved in just living and raising a family by the end of it your almost broke.  I wouldn't have a problem paying $1300-$1500 for rent for a full house, duplex, or townhouse provided it's worth paying that for it, but most of the place that people are charging that price for aren't worth it. I just want to be able to have a place where my kids can go in the basement or go outside when they want to and not have to worry about the yard being a mess from someone else or having their thing get broken from other people and I'm not sure why that is too much to ask. Really it's not just saskatoon anymore that is like this it's becoming every city in saskatchewan that is doing this even the small town around saskatoon are doing this thing with turning it into a main floor and basement suite.  It's getting so bad that there is even people turning side by side duplex's into 4 plex's by make it a main floor ad a basement suite. I have a hard time with the greed that is in saskatchewan right now considering we are not a rich oil filled province like alberta. The worst part of it all is that it's cheaper to live in alberta right now than it is to live in sask. The places in alberta are extremely nice places and and full houses at that and are being rent out for the same price as a main floor suite is here. That says to me that we just have WAY too much greed in this province right now.

not alone

Well I am glad too see that so far there a few people that agree with the rental prices in Saskatoon being to high. Please feel free to leave comments as well always happy to hear your opinions as well.  I appreciate any feed back ans suggestions you might have as well. Also please feel free to do your own ranting and raving in the comments I will be sure to read and reply as well. 

renting in saskatoon

Okay so I currently live in Saskatoon why I'm not sure anymore.  I have recently had a new baby and I also have 2 other children that are older and myself and my fiance have been looking for a new place to rent. We have been looking for a full house a town house or a duplex with 3+ bedrooms to no avail. Unfortunately  EVERY single landlord in this city seems to be extremely greedy, they all seem to think that they have to turn EVERY house into a  main floor and a basement suite and then charge $1200 and up for a 2-3 bedroom main floor and $800 and up for a 1-2 bedroom basement suite. The majority of the time that does not even include utilities That's $2000 and up for a place. I'm sorry i know that mortgage rates are not dirt cheap but they certainly are not $2000 and up and especially not for the type of places these are. Most of these places are older places that are no where near worth the price that they are asking. I quit frankly and discussed with the landlords in this city, however part of the problem comes from the people that are willing to go and pay $1500 and up for a 3 bedroom main floor place and that is plus utilities I'm sorry but there is no place worth paying that price just for a main floor. Then you have to deal with the people under you which is not something i enjoy doing, I'm not a fan of hearing doors slamming, music blasting, and other people yelling all the time and then there is also the chance to living above or below people that party all the time. Where have all the honest landlords gone that aren't charging an arm and a leg to have a full house to raise a family in, I personally don't wanna have to worry about who is living above or below me when I have children. I have had landlords tell me that if I am not happy with the prices and the conditions then i should just buy a house....Well I am happy for the people that are able to do that however with the rental prices in this city it's kind of hard to pay rent, bills, and general living expenses, plus the expenses of raising children and then on top of all of that to save enough money for a down payment on a house before I die of old age. Okay I am going to stop there for right now because I'm getting mad about all this.