Sunday 27 March 2011


Well today I received an email I will not disclose a name but it was from some that is just as disgusted with the housing prices as I am, and this person made another very good point that I would like to share. First The jobs are here in saskatoon that you can't find in small town in this province which makes it nice to live in saskatoon, but  what happens when you try to move to saskatoon  and your a single can't rent a house without a job because most landlords want to know where you work which i'm not complaining about that is reasonable for them to want to know how it is that you are going to be able to pay rent. However when you have children that you have to pay child care for, then you first have to find a job plus child care which in this city is not an easy task, most child care providers want a schedule and without the job first you can't provide that. Then how is it that you are supposed to get a house when you have to have all of that set out first. Which like I said I understand wanting to know how you will pay rent but even if you do find someone with some good faith and rent a place to you, now you have to not only pay $1400 a month for a house that you have to share with other people but you also have to pay bills, food, living expenses and child care. I realize that this city has some of the highest paying jobs in the province but guess what not all jobs pay $35-$40 an hour. Really for those people that do make that kind of money most of them own their own house because they can afford to do so, but for all the other people in this city that are making $20 or under an hour its not reasonable to have to pay out more than %50 of their monthly income just to have a roof over their heads. For those people that do have a $40 an hour income and chose to rent there are places called executive house for rent. I realize that all these landlords think that they are only pricing it according to the rental prices in the city but until we can have some honest landlords that are willing to lower the prices to a reasonable affordable price then the prices are just going to keep going up. it only take one landlord to be able to rent out a mediocre place for a ridiculous amount of money and then all the landlords follow because they figure if that person can get that much for that place i should be able to get more for mine. Well when is someone going to finally say enough is enough.  It will take a lot more than 1 landlord to lower the price of renting a house but I personally think it's about time for that to happen the prices have gotten out of control. Also stop splitting the houses into a main floor and a basement suite guaranteed people would be more apt to pay the $1400 and up for a full house I know I would but to have to share the house with other people to me is just ridiculous and takes away from our privacy.   


  1. I am the father of two young children and we live in the north end of saskatoon because it's easier to commute to work, However the rent in this city is so retarded that families have to dicide what is best for them, roof over heads or food in stomachs? well I myself will move out of saskatoon to find a better cost of living to provide for my family, this city is way to full of GREEDY landlords who don't care about the little guy as long as they get their money who cares...

  2. I absolutely agree with you and unfortunately it has come to the point where unless you make an insane amount of money in this city then you can't make it and if you do make it, it's not worth making it because you are left with nothing. I find it unfair that the landlords in this city take advantage of the people that have decent jobs but still can't afford to pay $1200 and up to have a roof over their heads when you have to think about your children and make sure they are taken care off. Your right moving out of this city to a small town just so you don't have to pay these insane prices for rent seems better than dealing with this but the problem is that for every person willing to do that there is another 500 people willing to still stay and pay these prices. i can assure you if there was a way to make the landlords lower the rent I would be the first person to do it and I will be looking into it to see if there is something that could be done. Thank you for your comment

  3. We currently pay 1600 a month for a full house in the northend which isnt too bad but the owner of the house wants to sell and we cannot afford to buy the house so we will soon be looking for a new house to rent. I've been looking on Kijiji and I've been noticing that there are alot more houses with main floors to rent and the basements for rent, like what is with that anyways??? I have three children and my boyfriend has three kids that he has every other weekend, like I dont think anyone would want to be living underneather that anyways lol. I also notice too that rent for a main floor is around 1400.00, that just seems crazy considering the house we currently live in is 1600.00 and that includes a double attached garage, 4 bedrooms and three full bathrooms and its a 4 level split, i just cant justify the main floor for 2 hundred less, that is just stupid in my eyes. And when your paying rent in the amount of 1600.00 a month good luck trying to save for a downpayment on a house.


    I myself know exactly what you are going through as my previous landlord did the same thing to me.I also agree that I can't imagine too many people wanting to live above or below that much noise i know i currently have a family of 5 living below me and i have a family of 5 as well so that is 10 people on pone place I can't stand the noise sometime and I'm sure they feel the same way. Your completely right that paying $200 less to rent only a main floor is beyond stupid and not sure how it is that really these people can sleep at night doing that to people. i myself can not afford a down payment either and i like to think that my family isn't doing too bad especially considering the price for rent but even though we make half decent money by the time we pay rent bills food and all the other living necessities it's long gone and we end up almost living pay check to pay check.
