Saturday 26 March 2011

renting in saskatoon

Okay so I currently live in Saskatoon why I'm not sure anymore.  I have recently had a new baby and I also have 2 other children that are older and myself and my fiance have been looking for a new place to rent. We have been looking for a full house a town house or a duplex with 3+ bedrooms to no avail. Unfortunately  EVERY single landlord in this city seems to be extremely greedy, they all seem to think that they have to turn EVERY house into a  main floor and a basement suite and then charge $1200 and up for a 2-3 bedroom main floor and $800 and up for a 1-2 bedroom basement suite. The majority of the time that does not even include utilities That's $2000 and up for a place. I'm sorry i know that mortgage rates are not dirt cheap but they certainly are not $2000 and up and especially not for the type of places these are. Most of these places are older places that are no where near worth the price that they are asking. I quit frankly and discussed with the landlords in this city, however part of the problem comes from the people that are willing to go and pay $1500 and up for a 3 bedroom main floor place and that is plus utilities I'm sorry but there is no place worth paying that price just for a main floor. Then you have to deal with the people under you which is not something i enjoy doing, I'm not a fan of hearing doors slamming, music blasting, and other people yelling all the time and then there is also the chance to living above or below people that party all the time. Where have all the honest landlords gone that aren't charging an arm and a leg to have a full house to raise a family in, I personally don't wanna have to worry about who is living above or below me when I have children. I have had landlords tell me that if I am not happy with the prices and the conditions then i should just buy a house....Well I am happy for the people that are able to do that however with the rental prices in this city it's kind of hard to pay rent, bills, and general living expenses, plus the expenses of raising children and then on top of all of that to save enough money for a down payment on a house before I die of old age. Okay I am going to stop there for right now because I'm getting mad about all this.  


  1. I just want you to know that you are not alone. I am sure there are lots of people that feel the same about these problems, I know i am in the same boat and it sucks. But if i don't rent a house for an expensive price where do we go live??? If you want anything cheaper you have to go to the west side of town and I am sorry i am not moving over there, where i have to worry about being stabbed or shot when i walk out my door no thanks!

  2. A few things to remember about renting ....
    The landlord does not get to keep all that money..... 1. Mortgage
    2. Property taxes
    3. Income tax
    4. Repairs
    If they get to keep 1/3 in their pocket, they are lucky....
    I understand it is frustrating .. But not fair to put all the blame on Landlords...


    I agree I will never move myself and my children into the west end I read the paper everyday and you don't hear a lot of good things about the west end. I mean please by all means to those willing to take that risk be my guest but i am not one of those people and most people don't want to either but a lot of people find themselves having no choice.
