Saturday 26 March 2011


Okay so in my house we have a 2 person income and really it's not that we don't make half decent money however when you have to pay out your butt for rent and then food and bills and all the costs involved in just living and raising a family by the end of it your almost broke.  I wouldn't have a problem paying $1300-$1500 for rent for a full house, duplex, or townhouse provided it's worth paying that for it, but most of the place that people are charging that price for aren't worth it. I just want to be able to have a place where my kids can go in the basement or go outside when they want to and not have to worry about the yard being a mess from someone else or having their thing get broken from other people and I'm not sure why that is too much to ask. Really it's not just saskatoon anymore that is like this it's becoming every city in saskatchewan that is doing this even the small town around saskatoon are doing this thing with turning it into a main floor and basement suite.  It's getting so bad that there is even people turning side by side duplex's into 4 plex's by make it a main floor ad a basement suite. I have a hard time with the greed that is in saskatchewan right now considering we are not a rich oil filled province like alberta. The worst part of it all is that it's cheaper to live in alberta right now than it is to live in sask. The places in alberta are extremely nice places and and full houses at that and are being rent out for the same price as a main floor suite is here. That says to me that we just have WAY too much greed in this province right now.

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